Tractor tilling rich, dark soil in a vast field, aerial perspective.Planting Decisions & Grain Moisture Testing

Planting season in the Midwest is underway! The choices you make now directly impact your fall harvest success. One critical factor is ensuring your grain moisture tester is ready. Here’s how it connects to the bigger picture:

  • The Importance of Seed Selection: Choosing the right seed varieties involves considering factors like maturity dates and expected moisture levels at harvest. A calibrated moisture tester provides the data you need to make informed decisions. Check out this guide from Iowa State University Extension on seed selection.
  • Planting Conditions Matter: Spring weather can be unpredictable. Soil moisture levels and temperatures impact seed performance and the eventual grain moisture content come harvest time. Track regional weather trends with NOAA’s outlook for the Midwest.  Additionally, the latest USDA Crop Progress Report highlights This underscores the importance of timely moisture testing, as weather-related delays can impact harvest timing.

Precision During Harvest

  • Knowing your crop’s exact moisture content is crucial for optimal timing. Harvesting too early or too late can lead to quality issues, yield loss, and lower profits moisture measurement techniques in this article from Successful Farming magazine.

Storage Success

Proper grain storage requires knowing your grain’s moisture level. Accurate readings help you make decisions about drying and aeration to prevent spoilage. The USDA offers guidelines on grain storage.

  • Proper grain storage requires knowing your grain’s moisture level. Accurate readings help you make decisions about drying and aeration to prevent spoilage. The USDA offers guidelines on grain storage.
  • Don’t Wait – Calibrate! Don’t let harvest surprises derail your hard work. Calibrating your Dickey-john moisture tester now ensures it’s reading accurately when you need it most.

Corn Belt Testing: Your Planting to Harvest Partner

  • From seed selection to harvest success, we’re here to support you! We offer sales, service, and expert calibration of Dickey-john moisture testers. click here to contact us today, or call Jim at 866.845.6249